肯尼亚华人生活圈 | Kenyan Chinese Circle of Life (KCCL)
新增英文翻译,翻译词库在人工校对更新中New English translation has been added, and the translation dictionary is being manually proofread and updated. 肯尼亚华人生活圈(Kenniya.org)是肯尼亚境内的华人社区,由在肯尼亚生活和工作的华人组成的一个社群。以下是一些关于肯尼亚华人生活圈的介绍: “Keniya.org” is a community of Chinese individuals living and working in Kenya, forming the Kenyan Chinese community. Here are some introductions about the Kenyan Chinese community: 1.二手物品交易:肯尼亚华人生活圈中也有一个蓬勃的二手物品交易社区。许多华人社区成员在这里买卖二手物品,包括家具、家电、服装等。 1. Secondhand Goods Trading: Within the Kenyan Chinese community, there is […]